Entries by francois


The 18th century grand kitchens of Montastruc

The 18th century grand kitchens of Montastruc are being restored and made accessible. A large staircase leads towards superb vaulted rooms with original pavement. One will find from room to room the large furnace of the castle’s bakery, the cooking chimneys with a spit-roaster, and the large mechanical water pump that pushed water up to […]

“Les Champs de Bleuets” (The cornflowers fields)

“Les Champs de Bleuets” (The cornflowers fields) Within the framework of the commemorations of the 100e anniversary of the First World War, which will take place throughout the years 2014 to 2018, many events will be organized in homage to all the belligerent, actors or victims of this war, in order to transmit the memory […]

The Venus de Milo at Montastruc

Anonymous (end of the 2nd century BC, during the Hellenistic period). Discovered April 8, 1820 in the island of Melos (Milo). Paris, Louvre Museum Material of the original: Paros marble / reproduction material: resin moulded on the original and patina «After difficult and tumultuous negotiations, the statue was purchased by the Count of Marcellus and brought to […]